Recommended Resources
These are the tools I use everyday for my site. I'll add more resources to this page over time.
Office Furniture, Tech & Other Products
Standing Desk Converter: Ergo Kangaroo Pro Junior
Recommended by Wirecutter, this desktop converter mounts to the top of your standard desk and allows you to stand while working. It's far less expensive than ordering an entire desk, and is less annoying to use than many other converters. (Yes, I recommend just investing in a full desk.)
Standing Mat: Ergodriven Topo & Topo Mini
Alternating between standing and sitting at my adjustable standing desk keeps me alert and more productive. (It may have health benefits, too.) I love my Ergodriven Topo standing mat because it's well-made, and has different areas I can shift around on. Also, it has the perfect balance between being too hard and too soft. The Topo Mini is less expensive and smaller than the Topo, but otherwise similar.
Webcam: Logitech C930e or C920s
There are many good options out there, and it depends on your ultimate goals. I use, and love, the Logitech c930e, while the c920s comes recommended by Wirecutter. Both have great quality pictures, a cover and are reasonably-priced. Jonathan Milligan, of Blogging Your Passion recommends any webcam by Logitech, and especially the Brio, which has 4k, and captures colors and details very well, even while zooming in.
Desktop Speakers: PreSonus 3.5 BT (Bluetooth)
If you want to upgrade from your laptop speakers, or lame desktop speakers, and have a little money to spend, these sound great and are on of Wirecutter's recommendations. (They're what I use.) Much nicer both for music and online meetings. My wife and I have also had decent results from the Creative Pebble speakers, which cost just about $20 USD.
Router: ASUS Zen Wifi AC (CT8) Mesh Kit (larger homes); TP-Link Archer AX-50 (apartments-medium homes)
When you have a larger home, lots of smart devices, or don't have (or want) ethernet ports throughout your home, a mesh wifi system is the way to go. (It's what we use at my home.) The ASUS Zen Wifi AC (CT8) is the Wirecutter's most recent top pick. The TP Archer AX-50 is Wirecutter's top pick for apartments up to medium-sized homes, and uses the latest WiFi-6 standard. It offers excellent performance at a much lower price than other, comparable routers.