As we start our week, I wanted to share 5 quick practices that are helping me put God first as I go throughout my day. We all want that, but find it hard to do as ‘real life’ happens and comes at us.
Even if you’re in an incredibly busy season (medical residents, parents with newborns, and entrepreneurs, I'm looking at you) these are all things you’ll have time for because they’re fast. In fact, you can do four of the five in thirty seconds or less.
While they may not seem like much, if we do them with a heart that is seeking after God, over time they’ll go a long way toward transforming us into the people God is calling us to be.
Obviously, our relationship with God can’t only consist of short, simple practices or habits like these. Imagine if you only related to your spouse, significant other, roommates or kids exclusively in thirty-second segments. You have to find ways to carve out longer, unhurried times, to go deeper.
But again, the beauty of these practices is that we can all do them, and often, throughout our day.
It's also worth mentioning that pursuing God first will also put you in a better position to find a godly spouse , or, have a stronger, more spiritually intimate marriage.
Let's dive in.
#1 Start Your Day On Your Knees
As soon as I can after waking up, I try to kneel down (or lay down) on the floor and give myself and my day to God. Usually, that includes acknowledging my time is his time, and asking for grace to follow his leading rather than insisting on my own way. It’s amazing how many ‘coincidences’ pop up when we pray like this.
There’s nothing magical about kneeling, but the bible does mention it often. For example, Psalm 95:6 says, ‘Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!’ There’s something about physically humbling ourselves - and having our hearts follow - as we kneel before the Lord.
#2 Lord, Show Me Where To Pause
One physician, faced with seeing twenty-five patients throughout his day, began to pray, ‘Lord, show me where to pause.’ He didn’t have time to engage much or pray with all of them, but God answered his prayer by showing him which ones needed his special care and attention.
We see something like this in Jesus’ life in Mark Chapter 1. After a long day of ministry, there is still more work to do in a particular town (Mark 1:37). But after spending the night in prayer, Jesus declines the request and says, ‘Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also, for that is why I came out.’ And he went throughout all Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and casting out demons. (Mark 1:38-39
When we pray like this, God will help us slow down where we need to, and move on without guilt where we don’t.
There’s something about physically humbling ourselves - and having our hearts follow - as we kneel before the Lord.
#3 Tithe Your Exercise Or Commute
In the Old Testament, God commanded his people to tithe (see Leviticus 27:30, for example), to offer the first ten percent of their resources back to him and his work.
While we can have a healthy debate about whether tithing is required for Christians or not, we can all agree that being generous toward the Lord and his work is incredibly important. In 2 Corinthians 9:6, for example, Paul reminds us that ‘whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.’
Our generosity and the principle of giving to God’s work, though, doesn’t need to be limited to our finances. We can also - voluntarily - tithe other things, like our time.
One way I do this is by tithing my commute for work, and exercise. So if I’m running for thirty minutes, I’ll try to pray for the first three. Or, if I’m driving somewhere, I’ll guesstimate the time and pray for the first ten percent or so. I’m not legalistic about it, but it’s a guideline.
#4 Set A Reminder On Your Phone And Watch
Most of us have our phones, fitness trackers, or smartwatches with us all the time. (Maybe more than we should!) It’s easy to set up hourly reminders that will put our focus back on the Lord through apps for Android or iPhone. (You can easily disable it for set hours while you’re sleeping.)
I can’t tell you how many times the chime has reminded me that God is present, and, that I hadn’t thought about him for a moment throughout the previous hour.
Obviously, anything regular like this can become so routine you don’t even notice it. That’s certainly happened to me. So, I just ask God for help, and try to set my heart back on him again the next time.
Sometimes, when something is really on my heart, or a friend has a pressing need, I’ll say a quick pray for that each time I hear the chime. This is a great way to live out the kind of persistent prayer we see in the widow in Luke 18:1-8.
#5 As You Go To Bed, Thank God For Your Day
By the time we put our heads on the pillow, most of us aren’t ready for an extended devotional time. But we can take a moment and make connecting with God our final act of the day.
Personally, I find three things I’m thankful for, and praise God for those. Even if it’s been an awful day - and I have some - I choose to think on a few things that are ‘worthy of praise’ (Philippians 4:8).
By the time we put our heads on the pillow, most of us aren’t ready for an extended devotional time. But we can take a moment and make connecting with God our final act of the day.
Put God First
As I reflect on these habits, there’s nothing magical about them. They’re not silver bullets, and we’re not obligated to do them.
And to be perfectly honest with you, I don’t do all of these every day. Sometimes, I’m forgetful, and other times I suspect I’m too wrapped up in myself and my own agenda. (Thank you, Jesus, for loving and forgiving me!)
All of them, though, are an attempt to put God first. To seek first God and his kingdom, trusting that everything else that matters will fall into place (Matthew 6:33).
Since we’re so weak and busy, building habits that redirect us to God can be really helpful. I hope something here can be helpful to you personally in the days and weeks ahead.
Let’s live it out:
Which one of these five ideas will you try?
Can you think of others? (Share in the comments below; let’s learn from each other.)
Hi Bryan. I think #4 is a great idea. I just checked my phone and I don’t see an easy way to just set a ding without having to turn off an alarm. When I get a chance, I’ll sit down and search for an app like that. Thanks!
Hey Stephen, glad that #4 resonated with you. And yes, the apps allow you to set an hourly chime without disabling your alarms. (My life would shut down without mine!) If you follow the links in the article, you should find a bunch of options. As an Android user, I use an app called ‘Blip Blip’.
Awesome. Trying out a bunch right now. Thanks again.
Bryan, as a mom of teens, I’m also extremely busy right now. After a challenging summer, I am finally coming back to finding that deeper time with Jesus. I never thought about tithing a portion of my exercise or commuting time to Him. Loved this. And taking time for a pause throughout my day. That’s one I definitely need to work on. Thank you for this!
Hi Jeanne, so glad that God is making a way for you to have deeper communion with him again. And, that these ideas might help you do that in small ways throughout your day. I’m working on all these things myself, too. Many blessings to you today!