If you want to marry a godly woman, you need a plan.

Watch the video to discover your four-part, biblical plan to get ready for a healthy marriage. (And avoid the heartache from just hoping it all works out.)

Paul Miller

Trading junk food for steak

Bryan Stoudt's course, "How To Prepare for Marriage" pulls young men away from the junk food that the church so often offers and gives them the thick steak of a disciplined, courageous life grounded in the gospel and Scripture. I highly recommend this course.

paul e. miller // Author of A Praying Life & J-Curve: Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life

Dave Harvey

Do your upcoming marriage a big favor

I seriously wish this course was around when Kimm and I tied the knot 38 years ago, but I’m glad it’s available to you now. Do your upcoming marriage a big favor and enroll today! Let Bryan guide you through this biblical, practical course.

dave harvey  //  Author Of When Sinners Say I Do & I Still Do // RevDaveHarvey.Com

The Usual Way Christian Guys Get Ready For Dating & Marriage Doesn't Work

Are you taking the 'it'll all work out' approach?

Most Christian guys want to marry a godly woman someday. If you're reading this, you're probably one of them. 😉

You dream about what it would be like to live life with a woman who shares your commitment to Christ. Someone you can encourage to pursue him. Someone who will challenge you to do the same. 

You think about what it would be like to serve your neighbors and a world in need. To enjoy hobbies and common interests together. To raise a family that honors God. And - let's be honest - be physically intimate with. 

All of these are good, legitimate desires that honor God when they're pursued with love for him and others.

A godly wife and great marriage are some of God's greatest gifts this side of heaven (Proverbs 31:10-11). 

Going to church + doing your devotions + wishful thinking = bad idea.

But, too often Christian guys think getting ready for dating and marriage will 'just happen'. That they can just go to church, do their devotions and - somehow - when the time is right, they'll meet 'The One', get married, and live happily ever after. 

I'm not questioning their motives. Or the value of faithfully attending church or doing devotions. These are all important, even essential, parts of what it means to follow Jesus. 

But they are not (nearly) enough to prepare you for dating or marriage. 

You don't have to start from square one like I did.

I found this out the hard way when I started dating my wife, Sharon. 

In the past, we had a great friendship. We had an amazing chemistry. We both loved the Lord and serving others.

It was all so easy, so I figured that would just continue after we started dating. 

But I was wrong. I started to realize I had no idea how to provide leadership - or what I was really doing - in our relationship. I was unprepared, and I hadn't even known it. 

It took me (and my wife) 3 really challenging years of marriage - and lots of biblical counseling - to turn things around.

And, with God's amazing grace and patience, we did. 

It's far from perfect, but today people tell us we have a great marriage. And we have the privilege of providing premarital and marriage counseling and coaching to lots of young couples. Couples that continue to thrive well after their wedding.

But many other couples don't fare so well. In fact, with just a little effort, I thought of over 40 other Christian marriages I know personally that didn't make it. 

Many other couples don't end up getting married, but experience a ton of disappointment and heartache along the way. 

I want to give you a huge head start by sharing what God has taught me. (Often the hard way.) What I would tell my younger self if I could do it all over again.

And, what has worked well for guys I've had the privilege of mentoring in 20 years of ministry.

The bottom line: you're probably far less prepared for dating, and a godly, healthy marriage, than you think. That's where How To Prepare For Marriage comes in.

How To Prepare For Marriage: A Solid, Biblical Approach.

The How To Prepare For Marriage online course is divided into 4 main sections. You can purchase each one individually as a mini-course, or, all of them together (at a big discount)... more on that below.


Pursue God Above All Else

This mini-course will show you why pursuing God - and the gospel - first is absolutely critical and how to practically do it so that you pursue dating on a Rock Solid foundation: God Himself.

What's inside the Pursuing God First Mini-Course?

In this module, men will learn:

  • why pursuing God first is essential in preparing for marriage
  • how the gospel is absolutely central to their preparation
  • how idolatry can get in the way
  • 4 specific ways pursuing God first makes a massive, practical difference as they move toward dating and marriage
  • how to overcome the 4 biggest obstacles in their pursuit of God
  • how to apply the video lessons with practical, simple worksheets (without overwhelming them)

Buy the Pursuing God Mini-Course now.


Become A Godly Man

There's so much confusion today about what it means to be a man. Let alone a godly man. This mini-course will provide a clear definition of biblical manhood, identify its 3 key responsibilities, and show you how to live them out. 

What's inside the Biblical Manhood Mini-Course?

In this module, men will learn:

  • what it means to be a godly man, not just a generic Christian
  • the 3 core responsibilities every godly man must fulfill
  • how to practically live out these 3 core responsibilities - without being legalistic
  • see a practical example of what it looks like in a normal guy's (Jason) life
  • how to apply the video lessons with practical, simple worksheets (without overwhelming them)

Buy the Biblical Manhood Mini-Course now.


Engage In Biblical Community

Engaging in biblical community is the best way to prepare for the smaller community of marriage. This mini-course explores why community is essential, 2 places we must pursue it, and how to overcome 5 common obstacles that get in our way. 

What's inside the Biblical Community Mini-Course?

In this module, men will learn:

  • why we want community (and to get married) in the first place
  • the 3 key levels of community every godly guy must pursue
  • 5 pitfalls to authentic, biblical community men must overcome
  • 5 specific strategies for overcoming these pitfalls - and building the community men need 
  • how to apply the video lessons with practical, simple worksheets (without overwhelming them)

Buy the Biblical Community Mini-Course now.


Overcome Sexual Sin & Pursue Purity

This mini-course will explore the massive problem of sexual sin, put our sexuality in its bigger biblical context, and show you how to experience lasting victory in this all-important area. Plus, how to view godly women as our sisters created in God's image, rather than as objects or 'potentials'.

What's inside the Pursuing Sexual Purity Mini-Course?

In this module, men will learn:

  • that the problem of sexual sin is far greater than they imagined
  • how the consequences of sexual sin impact them, those around them - and, their ability to enjoy a godly marriage
  • what the bible says about our sexuality - as it was created, corrupted and redeemed
  • 4 specific strategies for fighting the war against sexual sin (and winning)
  • a surprising paradigm shift that will help them in their battle for purity
  • how to apply the video lessons with practical, simple worksheets (without overwhelming them)
  • what practical tools can help them pursue sexual purity in the resources section

Buy the Sexual Sanity Mini-Course now.

Hi, I'm Bryan.

Bryan Stoudt is a pastor, certified coach and blogger. Over twenty years of ministry, he has focused on mentoring and discipling younger men, in addition to couples counseling with his wife, Sharon.

He has a blog helping Christians pursue Christ, and prepare for - and enjoy - marriages that glorify God, serve others, and bring them joy. He has written for several other sites, including Desiring God.

This course hits on a serious foundational epidemic that is taking place with guys of my generation (and beyond). I love the module on lust and pursuing purity, and how it sets out actionable steps in an objective manner. 

mike frascello

I am really impressed with this course. It has all the content a single guy needs. I especially liked how it shows that God is the supreme source of our happiness and satisfaction, and the section on how we view women was eye-opening for me.

Joshua vettel 

Preparing to be a husband, and having a healthy spiritual life, is no simple feat. This course is going to help a lot of good men become great men.

Caeden Goering

Here's What You Get When You Buy The            How To Prepare For Marriage Course (or any of the mini-courses)

How To Prepare For Marriage, and the associated mini-courses, are presented in an online video format. After your purchase, you will be able to log onto an online dashboard, where you can access the course material, which consists of:

Video Lessons

With over 25 video lessons, you'll cover the four key pillars of preparing successfully for dating and a healthy, godly marriage.


The worksheets help you connect the lessons with your life so that you actually make progress.

Interaction With Me

Get feedback specific to the challenges and ideas that come up for you as you go throughout the course.

So, What Does It Cost?

It all depends on what you want. You decide.

Step 1. Decide whether you want to purchase an individual mini-course (or mini-courses), or, the entire course.

  • Pursuing God First Mini-Course. The absolutely foundational starting point as men get ready to date, lead and marry a godly woman. Buy now.
  • Biblical Manhood Mini-Course. While men and women are more alike than different, we're not the same. Learn what it means to be a godly man, and how that matters for marriage. Buy now.
  • Biblical Community Mini-Course. Men struggle with deep, authentic community, but we need it. Discover the 3 levels of biblical community every guy needs, and how to pursue them. Buy now.
  • Sexual Sanity Mini-Course. This critical area can make or break a man as he gets ready for marriage. Learn how to fight - and win - the war against sexual sin. Buy now.
  • Get the entire How To Prepare For Marriage Course. While each mini-course has great value by itself, they're designed to fit together as a complete pathway toward marriage. Get all 4 mini-courses at a significant discount! Buy now.

Step 2. Decide whether you want to purchase personal, 1-on-1 coaching to take your marriage preparation to the next level.

  • Apply the lessons to your life. While you'll receive huge value from the course and worksheets themselves, there's nothing like tailored, personal guidance for your specific situation. It's the difference between reading a book and talking to the author.
  • Total flexibility. You decide the number of sessions you need. We'll work together to find a time that fits your schedule.
  • Get unstuck, make progress. Ever feel like you're spinning your wheels? Our coaching sessions will help you identify clear, practical next steps so you can finally make the progress God is calling you to.
  • Buy 1-on-1 coaching with Bryan: available in one, two, three or four-session packages. Just click on one of the yellow, underlined links, and please note this is a separate, additional transaction from purchasing a course. 

30 Days

Money Back Guarantee

If, for any reason, you don't love the course or mini-courses, you can get a full refund within 30 days after your purchase. 

Get instant access now!

Getting ready for dating, and a great marriage, is a journey, not an event. Sign up for the How To Prepare For Marriage Course, or one of the mini-courses, today, and give yourself a huge head start!

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What How To Prepare For Marriage

& The Mini-Courses Are - And Are Not

I want to set the right expectations for this course (and the mini-courses) so you're not disappointed. 

This course (and the mini-courses) is NOT...

  • A quick fix or silver bullet. Getting ready to date, and marry, a godly woman is not a formula, checklist, or bunch of easy-to-follow steps or secrets. 
  • A passive, information download. Getting real value requires watching the videos, but also engaging with the Lord as you do the worksheets.
  • A course on dating, premarital counseling or marriage. This course isn't about how to date, and doesn't cover things like online dating , or, setting physical boundaries with your girlfriend. It's also not specifically for guys who are already engaged or married, although they will benefit from most of the material.

This course (and the mini-courses) IS...

  • All about biblical, foundational principles and practical action steps.  This course covers solid biblical principles and practical actions you take with the Lord and other believers. Over time, they will get you ready to date - and marry - a godly woman. 
  • An interactive journey that will require hard work and transform you. If you lean on the Lord and put in serious (not perfect) effort, you will be a different, more godly man by the end. You will be ready to date, and eventually marry, a godly woman.
  • A course on how to GET READY to date, and marry, a godly woman. This course is laser-focused on helping you, as a Christian man, become the kind of guy who is ready to date, lead and marry a godly woman. It's for any Christian guy who's single or currently in a dating relationship.

The Bottom-line

If you're a Christian guy who...

  • is single or in a dating relationship 
  • wants to get ready to marry a godly woman, and
  • is willing to trust in Christ and put in the work

... this course, and the mini-courses, are for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will I have access to the courses?

How can I get in touch with you about questions that come up?

I'm not from the West. Will these courses still be relevant for me?

What does it mean that you're a 'coach'?

Is there a money back guarantee?

What can I expect from you in a coaching session?

Are these courses a good fit for me?

How are the mini-courses different from the full course?

start your journey toward healthy dating relationships & marriage today

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