If I Had A Second Shot At Seminary (Part 1)


seminary library

As our professor went through the syllabus on Day One of class, you could hear the collective weeping and gnashing of teeth.

In addition to exams and papers, we had 2,500 pages of reading and would have to sign a statement indicating what percentage of the reading we had done. If we did not complete all of it, it would have a significant impact on our final grade.

As the semester was winding down, I was predictably behind in my reading. In an afternoon of weakness, I ran my eyes over hundreds of pages so that I could say I had completed the reading

I can still remember thinking ‘this is crazy; there’s no way that this is what seminary is all about.’

>> Read the rest of the article at Am I Called?  (While it’s written for seminary students, it easily applies to anyone in (or considering) grad school.)

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